One of the most important work areas in KWin is currently the porting from XLib to XCB. The main reason for this is that Qt 5 threw out the existing XLib based code and replaced it by a new XCB-based implementation using QPA. This is overall a good thing. But it means that applications which used native features like the X11-event filter need to be adjusted. There are a few areas which need porting, which I summarized for KWin (hopefully completely) in this wiki page. If you use some native interaction it might make sense to check the list.
Technically we would not be required to port everything to XCB, but it gives us quite some advantages to do so. XCB is based directly on the X11 protocol which means we see better in the code what is going on. Also XCB is a complete asynchronous API which means we wait less for the X Server. This brings a noticeable improvement.
I want to present an example from KWin to show the difference between the synchronous XLib approach and the asynchronous XCB approch.
XWindowAttributes attr;
Window dummy;
Window* windows = NULL;
unsigned int count = 0;
QRect screen = QRect(0, 0, displayWidth(), displayHeight());
QVector<Window> proxies;
XQueryTree(display(), rootWindow(), &dummy, &dummy, &windows, &count);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
if (m_screenEdgeWindows.contains(windows[i]))
if (XGetWindowAttributes(display(), windows[i], &attr)) {
if (attr.map_state == IsUnmapped)
const QRect geo(attr.x, attr.y, attr.width, attr.height);
if (geo.width() < 1 || geo.height() < 1)
// some other checks
proxies << windows[i];
So what in this code is synchronous? In line 7 we ask the X Server for all windows – of course synchronous. Then we go through the list and get for each window we are interested in the window attributes (line 11). In the X protocol that are two requests to the server – one for the attributes and one for the geometry. Overall this means we have a synchronous call for each window we have to check. I recently looked at a delay when ending Present Windows or Desktop Grid and noticed that this for loop can take up to 500 msec.
Now let’s look at the same thing done with XCB (note: I did not compile it):
xcb_connection_t *c = connection();
xcb_query_tree_cookie_t cookie = xcb_query_tree_unchecked(c, rootWindow());
QVector<xcb_window_t> proxies;
QVector<xcb_get_window_attributes_cookie_t> attribsCookies;
QVector<xcb_get_window_geometry_cookie_t> geometryCookies;
QRect screen = QRect(0, 0, displayWidth(), displayHeight());
xcb_query_tree_reply_t *tree = xcb_query_tree_reply(c, cookie, NULL);
xcb_window_t *windows = xcb_query_tree_children(tree);
for (unsigned int i=0; i<tree->children_len; i++) {
attribsCookies << xcb_get_window_attributes_unchecked(c, windows[i]);
geometryCookies << xcb_get_geometry_unchecked(c, windows[i]);
for (unsigned int i=0; i<attribsCookies.size(); i++) {
if (m_screenEdgeWindows.contains(windows[i])) {
xcb_get_window_attributes_reply_t *attrib = xcb_get_window_attributes_reply(c,, NULL);
if (attrib->map_state == XCB_MAP_STATE_UNMAPPED) {
xcb_get_window_geometry_reply_t *geometry = xcb_get_window_geometry_reply(c,;
const QRect geo(geometry->x, geometry->y, geometry->width, geometry->height);
if (geo.width() < 1 || geo.height() < 1) {
// some other checks;
proxies << windows[i];
This example shows nicely the advantage of having an asynchronous API. We first have one loop to send all requests to the X-Server and then fetch the reply in a second loop. But we also see quite some disadvantages. First of all the_naming_is_just_awfull() and becomes worse when working with extensions. It’s nothing special for XCB, it’s a common problem to all C APIs, I always have to cringe when seeing such code. Also the method arguments are rather unhandy. We need to pass an xcb_connection_t* parameter to each method call. Fair enough the same had been the case with XLib, but still we have just one connection to the X-Server.
If we do not want to check for errors, we have to use the _unchecked variant of the method. It’s again a general C API problem by not having the possibility to overload methods.
And a real problem which is nicely visible in the code fragment is that the reply calls return a pointer and pass the responsibility for the pointer to the client of the API. For someone being used to a memory managed programming language like C++ with Qt that’s really painful. I expect to get back const references and not pointers I have to free.
Also if we do not need the reply for a request, we need to discard it, otherwise we would leak a reply. This makes the whole code segment rather unhandy.
We did not really like it and worked on improving this in general over multiple iterations. The whole thing can easily become memory managed by using a QScopedPointer with a QScopedPointerPodDeleter. That way we don’t have to call free on the replies any more. When the QScopedPointer goes out of scope the memory will be freed implicitly.
But that’s not all we did to improve it and I show now the same code segment how it looks like after applying our Wrapper classes:
QVector<Xcb::WindowId> ownWindows = windows();
Xcb::Tree tree(rootWindow());
QVector<Xcb::WindowAttributes> attributes(tree->children_len);
QVector<Xcb::WindowGeometry> geometries(tree->children_len);
Xcb::WindowId *windows = tree.children();
QRect screen = QRect(0, 0, displayWidth(), displayHeight());
QVector<Xcb::WindowId> proxies;
int count = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tree->children_len; ++i) {
if (ownWindows.contains(windows[i])) {
// one of our screen edges
attributes[count] = Xcb::WindowAttributes(windows[i]);
geometries[count] = Xcb::WindowGeometry(windows[i]);
for (int i=0; i<count; ++i) {
Xcb::WindowAttributes attr(;
if (attr.isNull() || attr->map_state == XCB_MAP_STATE_UNMAPPED) {
Xcb::WindowGeometry geometry(;
if (geometry.isNull()) {
const QRect geo(geometry.rect());
if (geo.width() < 1 || geo.height() < 1) {
// further checks
proxies << attr.window();
It’s a RAII approach ensuring like the QScopedPointer that the memory is freed once the object goes out of scope. In addition we got completely rid off the connection we have to pass to the method calls and we do no longer have to call discard: our Wrapper class is taking care of it. What you can also see is that the fact that the API is asynchronous is completely hidden. It still is async, the request is done in the constructor and the reply is fetched once you try to access the data for the first time.
Overall it makes the code much cleaner and easier to use and ensures that we do not leak memory even if we use loops with various code paths jumping out of them. Also we know that the code works (unit tested) and ensures that we do not repeat ourselves.
In the background we have a templated class which allows us to easily wrap any XCB request/reply group. So far we only support method calls operating on one xcb_window_t argument, but once we enabled C++11 in KWin we can easily wrap any command through variadic templates.
If you find this interesting: we have lots of work for XCB porting. Just come to #kwin on freenode and ping me (mgraesslin) or send a mail to