Why don’t you just…

Relatively regularly I’m asked why I don’t “just” integrate QtCompositor or libweston and call it a day. Well it should be obvious, if it were as simple as “just” we would do that 😉 So instead of replying again and again I thought to give a full blog post explaining the options and why they don’t really suit our needs.

How KWin’s compositor works

Let’s start with a look at the Compositors in KWin:

  • No Compositing (X11 only)
  • XRender (X11 only)
  • QPainter (Wayland only)
  • OpenGL (ES) (X11 and Wayland)

The task of the compositors is to render the windows into a global scene. The information about the windows is taken from the window manager (e.g. the stacking order defines which window is rendered on top) and get transformed by the effect system.

The compositors use platform specific API to get the content of the window and to render it to the screen. E.g. OpenGL can use GLX and use texture from pixmap to map the content of an X11 window to an OpenGL texture and use an XWindow to create the OpenGL context on. The actual compositor which renders doesn’t care whether it’s an X11 Window or a Wayland window or whatever, all it cares about it’s a texture (OpenGL), a pixmap (XRender) or a QImage (QPainter). The platform specific API is abstracted allowing to make the actual compositors completely windowing system agnostic. Designed as a class diagram it looks (simplified) like this:

Now with that much abstraction one could think that there a huge differences between the code and that there is not much sharing going on. But the opposite is the case. The majority of the code is shared. To give an overview I provide the line count of all the files relevant to the OpenGL compositor.

  • Shared code: 3733 (cloc scene_opengl.* abstract_egl_backend.* scene.*)
  • Platforms specific: 1424 (cloc egl* glxbackend.*)

From the platform specific code the glxbackend is about 50 %. The sharing between the egl backends is larger, for the new X11 mode for kwin_wayland the difference is just 20 lines. For QPainter the differences are also rather small – in fact the differences are so small that all is in one source file making something like 200 lines of code for the three backends. Last week I worked on integrating a framebuffer backend into QPainter – although I prior had no idea about it, it was integrated into KWin in less than two hours fully functional with no change to the SceneQPainter at all except writing 50 lines of the backend code.

Now the backends are only part of the whole story. By using our own existing compositor we ensure a similar feature set between X11 and Wayland and can reuse all our effects directly without any adjustments. According to CLOC we have 22000 lines of effect code.

What about QtCompositor

QtCompositor seems to be the natural choice for bringing Wayland support to KWin. After all it’s part of Qt which is what we use in KWin. Except it doesn’t. For a starter it’s not yet a released component which makes it difficult to use for us to develop against, for our packagers to distribute and for our users to test. “But Martin”, you say, “you could develop on it and get it into a release state!”

Yes I could, but would it help KWin? What is the strength of QtCompositor? Providing a QtQuick API to write a Wayland compositor. But KWin doesn’t use QtQuick in the compositor. “But Martin”, you say, “QtQuick is the new cool thing, everybody ports to it, so should you!”. Yes, of course, but it means:

  • Throwing away all our effects
  • Writing new integration code between QtCompositor and the window manager
  • having no code sharing between the Wayland and the X11 compositor
  • No longer being able to provide non-OpenGL compositors as QtQuick requires OpenGL

If I look at this I rather doubt that this would be a “just integrate it”. That looks like a lot of work and duplication to have the same basic window manager for X11 and Wayland. Code sharing would be kind of impossible as the technologies involved are too different.

“But Martin”, you say, “you could at least use QtCompositor for wrapping the Wayland API and use it to map a Wayland buffer to OpenGL!” Yes, that is true and I did consider it and even planned to do so. In the end I decided against it for multiple reasons. First of all this still shows the problem of the unreleased component (yes, I could work on it), but then I wanted to integrate Wayland in KWin with a Facade. Using a facade is something I consider here as rather important. After all we want to use Wayland for quite some time and not run into the situation that we need to port away from a library in a few years. Using a facade makes such a situation much easier. Now if we write a facade anyway what is the benefit of being a facade to QtWayland compared to being a facade to Wayland directly? It just adds another layer of abstraction which might hinder us (and compared we ported lots away from Qt to XCB during the Qt 5 porting removing the abstraction added by Qt). Oh and of course we will have to use Wayland directly, because we will have to use our own protocols for e.g. interfacing with Plasma. Which would mean that we have to interact with two technologies instead of one. Overall I didn’t see an advantage and that’s why KWayland is a facade over Wayland and not over QtCompositor.

What about (lib)weston

“But Martin”, you say, “you could integrate (lib)weston’s backend!”. Yes, weston uses plugins for it’s backends, so in theory it would be possible to load the plugins and interface with them. There were also patches to make this possible through a libweston, but I actually don’t know whether they got integrated (quick check looks like they didn’t).

I would love to have a library which abstracts e.g. kms or framebuffer for me, but honestly I doubt weston is that. Weston was developed as the reference compositor and not as a library to do that. Weston code is always open in my editor, so I know a little bit about the code and can see that it is – well – Weston-specific. I doubt that the code base could be shared in it’s current state. It would need an effort like what has been done for libinput to move this into a well designed API. As long as that doesn’t happen weston’s backends are not directly useable for us.

And even if we would get back to a different feature set. We use QPainter for non-GL rendering, Weston uses pixman. And that is nested into the compositor implementations of Weston. Again: that needs lots of work to get in a state which would allow integration, so overall it’s not a “just use it”.

And all of that does not consider what is more difficult: integrating the C API or writing the code yourself tailored in a way which makes sense in a C++/Qt world.

KWindowSystem in Frameworks 5

KWindowSystem is a tier 1 framework which allows to interact with the windowing system. Historically it provided an implementation of NETWM on X11. It provides a NETRootInfo for accessing the global state (all that’s set on the root window) and NETWinInfo for all information about a specific window. The classes have a window manager and client perspective. This is the foundation which powers our window manager and various parts of the desktop shell such as the taskmanager.

On top of those X11-specific classes we have a convenient API KWindowInfo and KWindowSystem which provides a windowing system independent API for our applications. Thus we have different implementations depending of the platform it’s compiled on. On X11 the implementation depends on named NET* classes, on Windows and Mac what makes sense is implemented using the platform specific API.

In the good old days of Qt 4 this was a sufficient solution. If it’s build on unix-like systems we have X11 and we know it’s X11, on Windows it’s Windows and so on. With Qt 5 this no longer works. Just because we built with X11 support doesn’t mean the software will run on X11. Due to the introduction of the QPA it’s possible that another platform is used – most obvious Wayland. But there are more platforms for Linux like Android. With the solution from Qt 4 our applications would just crash as soon as they access KWindowSystem as that tries to interact with XLib/xcb unconditionally.

Over the last weeks I spent quite some time on making sure that KWindowSystem works as expected (that is doing nothing at the moment) when run on Wayland. Just adding a new implementation as in the Qt 4 days is no solution as we want our framework to support both X11 and Wayland at the same time. Otherwise our distributions would have a hard time packaging our software. The approach was to introduce an internal abstraction in KWindowInfo and KWindowSystem and have a platform implementation. This is now done for X11 together with a dummy implementation which is used as a fallback if we do not have an implementation for the currently used windowing system (e.g. Wayland). Unfortunately this has a side-effect: it broke the backend for Windows and MacOS. I don’t feel very happy about it as I don’t like to break the work of others, but I cannot fix it. Windows and MacOS are proprietary systems for which either a license or even specific hardware is required. I do hope that the specific teams will re-add the support till the release of frameworks 5. Please note: at the time of writing this blog post not all patches are merged yet.

A nice side-effect for this work was that I started to write unit tests for KWindowInfo on X11. This is far from trivial as it interacts with X11 and the running window manager. And the test kind of depends on the used window manager. Obviously given that it’s KDE it would make sense to write the test against KWin, but that’s not sufficient for our CI system as kwindowsystem is a dependency of KWin and thus kwindowsystem cannot depend on KWin (not even on runtime). Thus the tests are now performed against openbox on the CI system, but also succeed when running against KWin. They are quite a stress test for a window manager and found one very unlikely crash condition in KWin (of course already fixed).

The framework provides more functionality which is kind of X11 specific. For example there is the KSelectionOwner and KSelectionWatcher which implements a manager selection as described in ICCCM, section 2.8. Again a very important building block for our window manager. While it’s clearly X11 specific code which only gets built if X11 is available, there is no reason to crash if it’s not run on X11. So I went through all of our sources and tried to make sure that it correctly checks whether the runtime platform is xcb. Thus we don’t have to change all applications using it, but can rely on the library not to crash. Still if your application is using these X11 specific functionality I highly recommend to check for the platform as you might run into runtime errors. E.g. claiming a manager selection will fail, don’t rely on it.

As all of this is kind of a requirement to running frameworks based applications on Wayland, I have to do the obligatory screenshot of Kate on Weston:

Aus Weston

KWin running in Weston

This week I decided to do some research for the Wayland porting of the KDE Plasma workspaces. One of the features we will need in future is a Wayland session compositor which runs nested on a Wayland system compositor. Of course one could think of setups without a system compositor, but overall I think that a nested compositor simplifies the setup and allows to have all the low level technologies in one place without duplication in all the various compositors. +1 for working together.

After three days of work I already have something to demo (video on youtube):

Sorry for the bad audio. I’ll just explain what one can see. The video starts with the normal X-Server. After that it switches to a VT and we start Weston there. On Weston I’m starting KWin with some environment variables set to pick the correct libraries and force KWin into Wayland mode. KWin creates a connection to Wayland, creates a Wayland surface and uses it for OpenGL output. All the windows from the running X Server are rendered into this surface just as if it were a normal X11 output.

KWin also gets input from Wayland and passes it to the X Server. That’s the reason why we can see mouse interaction and working keyboard.

How it works

The OpenGL backend

KWin supports multiple backends for providing an OpenGL context and doing the texture from pixmap operation. At the moment we have an GLX and an EGL backend. Both create the OpenGL context on the XComposite overlay window and provide the texture from pixmap in the GLX case through the GLX_EXT_TEXTURE_FROM_PIXMAP extension and in the EGL case through the the EGL_KHR_image_pixmap extension.

A new backend is added which creates the OpenGL context on a Wayland surface. The backend started as a fork of the existing EGL backend with the X code stripped out. What’s a little bit tricky is getting the texture from pixmap working. The extension used in the normal EGL on X11 backend is not available. The proper solution would be a setup with XWayland, but that’s still too early as KWin does not yet support Wayland clients.

The solution I came up with is inspired by a fallback mechanism in KWin from the time when GLX_EXT_TEXTURE_FROM_PIXMAP was not guaranteed to be around: XShm to copy the pixmap content into an OpenGL texture. Not a nice solution but it works.

Input handling

Input is currently also a rather hackish solution until we have XWayland up and running. We just take all input events and forward them to the XServer with the XTest extension to inject fake events. It’s a huge hack and one can see how old X is there and how limited. I was rather surprised that it works at all. At the time of this writing the code supports keyboard events and the left, middle and right mouse button. Wheel events are tricky as X uses mouse buttons for them and for more mouse buttons I have problems with mapping them as I’m lacking a multi button mouse.

We are also not able to back sync the mouse position from X to Wayland. As far as I understood the Wayland protocol there is nothing like XWarpPointer, so if something in X warps the pointer we have a mismatch. I agree that warping is evil, but we use it in KWin for activating the screen edges 🙁

Next Steps


What is to do next is to get the changes to the cursor in X11 and set the cursor on the Wayland surface. That should not be really difficult as the XFixes extension provides everything one would need for that.


A rather huge limitation at the moment is that the connection to the Wayland display is hold in the main thread. We cannot block there, so we only get events when we actively check for them. This is currently during repainting the screen. So if you wondered why the ShowFPS effect in the video is turned on: it’s to force repaints and to keep the connection alive. This connection needs to go into a thread so that we can block there.

Buffer age

Currently the code forces as to do full-screen repaints. The two solutions we have for non-fullscreen repaints in the EGL backend do not work in the EGL on Wayland backend. The Wayland demo code shows that the EGL_EXT_buffer_age implementation could be used. We wanted to have support for that one anyway in KWin.

Giving it a try

Building from source

I just pushed the code into branch “kwin/wayland-egl-backend” on my clone kde:clones/kde-workspace/graesslin/kde-workspace. Be aware that I intend to force push to this branch.

To build you need to have the Wayland libraries around. The CMake module tries to find it through package kit. Watch the output of CMake, Wayland is only an optional dependency! If you build Wayland and Weston from source, please follow the instructions. You might also need to build Mesa from source.

How to start

Starting is rather simple. Just have an Xserver running somewhere, start Weston on a VT (don’t do nested on X, you would only get a black screen once KWin started) and open a terminal. Setup your environment variables to be able to start KWin and then start KWin in the following way:

DISPLAY=:0 KWIN_DIRECT_GL=1 KWIN_OPENGL_INTERFACE=egl_wayland kwin --replace &

KWIN_DIRECT_GL makes KWin skip the OpenGL Test application which is currently only supporting GLX and seems to fail if one is on a different VT. KWIN_OPENGL_INTERFACE tells KWin which backend to use. So by using “egl_wayland” one forces KWin to use the Wayland backend. In future we will probably detect whether the Wayland display environment variable is defined and just pick it directly (though that is dangerous in case of nested Weston on X).

When will it be available in a release

I want to get this work into 4.11 as an experimental feature for multiple reasons. I wanted to have a build dependency to Wayland in 4.11 for quite some time. So that’s a nice excuse. Unfortunately feature freeze is approaching.

Of course I want to give users something to play with. We have talked about Wayland for such a long time and there is nothing to really see that we are walking the way. Last but not least that might be a rather important solution for Plasma Active as that hopefully allows to run on hardware where we currently would not get OpenGL. With libhybris we should be able to get KWin working with OpenGL and being an X11 compositor even if the driver doesn’t support X11. Though I have not tested this case yet and have no devices to play with. But I know a few people in the community who might be interested to play with that.