KWin is one of those parts of the KDE workspace which receives crash parts for all parts of the stack. We see crashes in Plasma (kind of upstream to us), Qt and most likely in the graphics drivers and X itself. My subjective feeling was that we receive more for us useless crash reports than valid ones. So I just used the bugzilla search to get some numbers for the last year (August 1st, 2009 till today). As you should not trust any statistics you haven’t faked yourself, I used the search to set some more bugs to upstream, duplicate and so on 😉
- Reported crashes: 330
- Still open: 31
- Fixed: 47
- Set to duplicate: 159 (~ 50 %)
- Upstream bug: 44
- Missing backtrace: 37
- Other (waiting for info, Compiz bug, etc): 12
What’s really bad is that half of the reported crashes are duplicates. And that’s although DrKonqui finds the right reports. In most cases I just copy&paste the bug number reported as a possible duplicate (thanks a lot for this feature). Among those duplicates we have one issue during the 4.4 cycle which caused 31 duplicates and which is now on number two of crashes with most duplicates. In lead is still the crash report for Compiz’ KDE4-Window-Decorator (I said we get crashes for the complete stack including competitive window managers 😀 ).
The upstream bugs are mostly driver related bugs. The number does not reflect reality perfectly as some driver crashes are set to duplicate. So we see that we have more crashes in drivers than crashes we fixed! The open bugs contain mostly crash reports where I think that they are also not valid, e.g. crash in malloc. Most of them are also missing a way to reproduce the crash or it is clearly wrong (yes kwin backtraces can tell what you were doing 😉
Oh and we could use a bug day. Since I started to work I don’t have the time any more to search for duplicates and the number of open bugs has increased by > 60 since the 4.4 release. And yes also those are mostly duplicates. It just needs someone to filter them 🙁
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